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Showing posts from March, 2024

Customized F4 Help

Function Module:  F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST Create types: TYPES :  BEGIN  OF  ty_values ,          lot    TYPE  qplos ,          batch  TYPE  charg_d ,          material  TYPE  matnr ,           date  TYPE  datum ,         END  OF  ty_values . Declare internal table and work area. DATA :  it_values       TYPE  STANDARD  TABLE  OF  ty_values  WITH  KEY  lot ,       wa_values       TYPE  ty_values . DATA :  it_return  TYPE  STANDARD  TABLE  OF  ddshretval. Create the event to request the value AT  SELECTION-SCREEN  ON  VALUE-REQUEST  FOR variable . "variable = parameters/select options variable Collect necessary data and populate it_values table Call the function module.    CALL  FUNCTION  'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST'      EXPORTING       retfield         =  'LOT' "Internal table field       dynpprog         =  sy - repid " Current program name       dynpnr           =  '1000' " Screen number       dynprofield      =  'P_LOT-LOW' &

Total in Smartforms Table

 Process of adding total or subtotal in smartforms main table are as follows Create a global variable named 'Total' (in this case it is a quantity field) Expand main window. Double click on table node. Then go to calculation tab. Select Sum Total for operation column. Then provide the field name for which sum operation will be executed. Put global variable ('Total') in the target field name column. Put after loop in the time column. Now create a table row in the footer section. Into the cell where you want to maintain total value, create a text. Then put the global variable ('Total'). Now execute the form and you will find the total value.

Invalid Cursor Dump

 If it is regarding smartforms, just test the smartforms from transaction code "SMARTFORMS" and it will be fixed. Dump details are provided in below screenshot,